Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

SIDBI is active in the development of Micro Finance Institutions through SIDBI Foundation for Micro
Credit, and assists in extending microfinance through the Micro Finance Institution (MFI) route. Its promotion & development program focuses on rural enterprises promotion and entrepreneurship development. SIDBI and AMYAA NGO has work in close contact in providing livelihood trainings under CSR activities to unemployed youths and local artisans.

AMYAA NGO Organized a Solar Distribution programme sponsored by SIDBI Itanagar Branch under their
CSR activities for students of Government Residential School, Injonu and Government Model Residential
School, Mayu under Lower Dibang Valley District.

The mission: to bring solar lamps to 70 school children in Government Residential School, Injonu and Government Model Residential School, Mayu district who had to prepared for their Board Exams with irregular electricity. Providing students with portable solar lamps gives them the opportunity to extend their time of studying, reading and playing much longer into the night. Instead of breathing in the toxic fumes of kerosene lamps, they can follow their daily tasks in the comfort of clean and sustainable light. In addition, the Solar Schools Program is providing solar-powered phone chargers to teachers and headmasters. It helps them to stay in touch with other teachers and families and to prepare lessons by night, thanks to a powerful inbuilt lamp. The program also offers Solar School Workshops, bringing teachers and students close to the benefits of renewable energy and how to use it.

The workshops follow an interactive concept and are successfully implemented AMYAA NGO.

Impact brought by the programme:
120 Students are now reading in the light of clean solar lamps and not of toxic kerosene
100% of interviewed students and teachers feel safer after dark and are experiencing improved well being
96% of interviewed families are saving money because they no longer have to purchase kerosen