" Redefining the Lives of the Poor "
" Redefining the Lives of the Poor "
The disparity of inequality, the ever increasing gap between the have’s and have not, the prevailing injustice towards the powerless poor in the eye of law has been the strong driving force towards the establishment of AMYAA NGO. AMYAA remains committed at all times to be the voice of the voiceless.
About Us
AMYAA Society for social transformation was registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 on June 28, 2002, with its head office at Mayu-II, Roing of Lower Dibang Valley District. On 20th May 2022, a Branch Office was established at District Head Quarter Senapati and officially inaugurated by Shri Mahesh Chaudhari IAS, DC Senapati, Manipur. This society is established with the vision to combat poverty, illiteracy, ill health, corruption, injustice and suppression of the poor. The society focuses at working for the all-round development of the tribal communities

What We Do
- Grassroots level informal forum established to organise farm sector activities for the benefit of its members.
- The participation of women is best defined and integrated through the concept of Self Help Group.
- NaRMG is an inclusive and democratic planning and implementating body to look after the overall socio-economic development of the village
- To protect the basic rights of the most vulnerable groups of the society namely, children and women. Sensitization and awareness on Domestic Violence Act, 2005,
Our Supporting Partners